Paws for Healing

Paws For Healing provides canine-assisted therapy (C.A.T.) to enhance the quality of life for people in the community in Solano, Napa & Sonoma Counties.
SOLANO, NAPA & SONOMA COUNTIES – Paws for Healing is a community-based non-profit organization that trains and provides canine-assisted therapy to local hospitals and assisted living facilities. Their visits bring smiles and reduce stress for patients as well as staff and visitors. In addition, there are also teams that visit local libraries and schools where children get the opportunity to read to a dog to gain confidence in their reading skills. It’s a win-win situation–the dogs love it, the patients love it, and the kids love it!
Training and mentoring is provided, and you can schedule to volunteer when it’s convenient for you and the facility where you choose to volunteer.
Paws for Healing
Solano, Napa & Sonoma Counties
For more information, visit