Hazardous & E-Waste Recycling in Walnut Creek & Lafayette

Walnut Creek & Lafayette residents can recycle their hazardous waste & electronics through curbside collection or at drop-off sites.
WALNUT CREEK & LAFAYETTE – RecycleSmart’s Residential Reuse & Cleanup Program
Biannual Reuse Days: Place batteries (all types), large foam blocks, electronics, appliances and televisions out at the curb by 6:00am.
Recycle household batteries on days other than Reuse Days by placing them in a clear zip lock bag. Put them out curbside on top of your blue recycling cart with the weekly garbage collection.
Dispose of electronic items at any time for no additional charge by calling 925-685-4711 for an e-waste pickup. Visit RecycleSmart.org for more information.
Residents and businesses may also drop off items at no charge to the Central Contra Costa Household Hazardous Waste Facility located at 4797 Imhoff Place, Martinez.
See a list of accepted items at CentralSan.org/Documents/Whats_Accepted.pdf